Looked After Children Policy
Looked After Children Policy
Policy details
Date created - September 2023
Date reviewed and updated -
Date approved by governors - 4th September 2023
Next review date - October 2024
1. Legal Framework 2
2. Definitions 3
3. Personal education plans (PEPs) 3
5. Communicating with agencies 4
6. Headteacher responsibilities 4
Designated Governor and Designated Lead Teacher for Looked After Children 5
Policy statement and aims
Educational achievement and subsequent life chances for looked after children and children recently looked after are of real concern. Children and young people who are looked or recently looked after after require special treatment and positive discrimination in their favour in order to improve their situation.
Co-op Academy Brierley endeavours to provide positive experiences and offer stability, safety, continuity and individual care and attention for all our students. With this in mind, we aim to:
• Encourage students to reach the highest standards of which they are capable and to make good progress from what they are currently already able to do.
• Ensure that students enjoy high quality teaching and are enjoying a curriculum which meets their needs and the requirements of legislation.
• Plan realistically and use the school’s resources efficiently in order to ensure the school meets the needs of the students.
• Promote a positive approach in all aspects of school life.
• Help pupils develop their cultural, moral and social understanding.
Legal Framework
1.1. This policy has due regard to legislation including, but not limited to, the following:
• The Children Act 1989
• The Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010
• The Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000
• The Children and Young Persons Act 2008
• The Children and Families Act 2014
1.2. This policy will be implemented in conjunction with the school’s:
• Admissions Policy.
• Code of Conduct.
• Understanding Behaviour & Anti-Bullying Policy.
• Home School Agreement.
• Equality and Diversity Policy.
• Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy.
• Special Educational Needs Policy.
2.1. Looked after children are defined as, children or young people who are subject of a Care Order or Interim Care Order under the Children Act 1989.
2.2. This definition applies to children who are placed in foster care, children’s residential homes, with relatives or friends, in semi-independent or supported independent accommodation.
2.3. If a child is subject to a Care or Interim Care Order whilst placed with a parent, they are classed as looked after, since the LA has parental responsibility.
2.4. Children who are not subject to an order, but are accommodated by the LA under an agreement with their parents, are regarded as looked after.
3.Personal education plans (PEPs)
3.1. Every looked after child must have a personal education plan (PEP), which is used to support the child in fulfilling their educational potential.
3.2. The PEP is an evolving record of what needs to happen for the child to enable them to make their expected progress.
3.3. The PEP will reflect the importance of a personalised approach to learning which meets the identified educational needs of the child.
3.4. All the relevant bodies, such as the LA, the designated teacher and other teachers, will work with the child in creating the PEP.
3.5. The PEP will include access to provision that is appropriate to the child’s age.
3.6. If a child is not in school because of suspension or exclusion, suitable education will be provided by the LA.
3.7. If a child is moving to a new school, transitional support will be provided and will be factored into their PEP.
3.8. Support will be provided to help the child meet their aspirations, including:
• Support to achieve expected levels of progress for the relevant national curriculum key stage and to complete an appropriate range of approved qualifications.
• Careers advice, guidance and financial information about further education, training and employment.
3.9. The PEP will include extended services such as after school clubs, study support and leisure interests.
3.10. Support will be provided for improving attendance and behaviour.
4. The designated teacher
4.1. Under the Children and Young Persons Act 2008, all maintained schools are required to have a designated teacher for looked after children.
4.2. The primary duty of the designated teacher is to promote the educational achievement of looked after children and children recently looked after at the school.
4.3. It is the responsibility of the Local Governing Body to ensure the designated teacher has received adequate training for the role.
4.4. The designated teacher must submit an annual report to the Local Governing Body, which details the progress of looked after children and children recently looked after.
4.5. The designated teacher will:
• Promote a culture of high expectations and aspirations.
• Ensure the child is involved in setting their targets.
• Advise staff on teaching strategies for looked after children.
• Take responsibility for developing and implementing PEPs.
5. Communicating with agencies
5.1. The school will ensure that copies of all relevant reports are forwarded to the looked after children’s social workers, in addition to carers or residential social workers.
5.2. The school will co-ordinate their review meetings, for example, hold their annual review of looked after children with their statutory care review.
5.3. The school will work with other agencies to exchange information such as changes in circumstances, exclusions or attendance issues.
6. Headteacher responsibilities
6.1. It is the responsibility of the headteacher to oversee this policy and monitor its implementation.
6.2. The headteacher will make all members of staff aware that the support of looked after children is a key priority.
6.3. The headteacher will allow the designated teacher the time and facilities to succeed in carrying out their duties.
6.4. The headteacher will lead in actively challenging negative stereotypes of looked after children.
7. Staff responsibilities
7.1. Staff will be aware of looked after children in their classes and provide them with support and encouragement.
7.2. Staff will preserve confidentiality and show sensitivity and understanding.
7.3. Staff will be vigilant for signs of bullying
7.4. Staff will promote the self-esteem of looked after children.
Designated Governor and Designated Lead Teacher for Looked After Children
The Designated Governor for Looked After Children at Co-op Academy Brierley is: [To be confirmed].
Co-op Academy Brierley’s Designated Looked After Children lead teacher is: [ To be confirmed].
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