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Anti-bullying Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy (child on child abuse)

Policy details

Date created - September 2023

Date reviewed and updated -

Date approved by governors - 4th September 2023

Next review date - October 2024

This policy should be read in conjunction with the following policies (available on the Co-op Academy Trust website and the Co-op Academy Brierley website):

Positive behaviour Policy

Online Safety Policy

Equality Statement and Objectives

Health and Safety

Positive Handling

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Special Educational Needs

Mental Health and Well-Being


This policy is underpinned by the following legislation and guidance:

Keeping Children Safe in Education


Policy details        0

Contents        0

Introduction        1

What is Bullying?        2

Cyber-bullying        2

Responding to reports/issues relating to child on child Sexual Harassment or Sexual Violence        3

Immediate response to a report: (KCSIE 2022)        3

Staff awareness and training:        4

Risk assessment:        4

Discerning language        4

Bullying        4

Preventing Bullying        5

Being aware - possible signs of Bullying        5

How we manage bullying        6

Reporting Bullying        6

Pupils Who Witness Bullying        6

What the School will do        7

The restorative approach        7

If those involved in bullying do not respond to the Restorative Approach        7


Co-op Academy Brierley have a duty of care for pupils and staff alike and, to this end, strives to create a safe and happy environment, believing that all bullying and child on child abuse is unacceptable whether at home, at school, at work, in the local community or online via social networking. We believe that school should provide a safe, caring and happy place for pupils to learn and for adults to work. If this is achieved, the school will be able to develop teaching and learning, whilst fostering an attitude of responsible behaviour at all times to promote safety, both at school and out of school.

The policy’s primary objective is to ensure that members of the school community are clear about their roles and responsibilities, and how to manage a bullying incident if it occurs. However, bullying is not confined to school and this policy aims to make pupils aware of what action they can take both now and in their adult lives, whether as victims of bullying, or as bystanders.

The policy draws on Department for Education guidance on dealing with bullying, particularly ‘Preventing and tackling bullying – Advice for head teachers, staff and governing bodies’ 2014. This policy should be read in conjunction with the Behaviour policy and Safeguarding policy which is available on the school website or can be requested from the school office.

The Governing Body will regularly review the Anti Bullying Policy which the Headteacher must consider, in determining the measures to promote good behaviour and discipline in relation to Bullying.

The Governing Body may also bring to the Headteacher’s attention such further measures as they consider necessary, and offer guidance, as they consider appropriate, to promote safeguarding and the welfare of pupils.

The Headteacher and senior leadership team have overall responsibility for the policy and its implementation. Incidents of bullying will be managed according to the circumstances and will be recorded and analysed to see whether patterns emerge from the nature of the bullying and to identify what provisions or support can be implemented to prevent any future cases of bullying from occurring.

The Governing Body, Headteacher and Staff will ensure that the policy is implemented equally in all cases, without regard to ethnic origin, cultural differences, faith, gender, disability or sexuality. They will ensure that pupils are listened to and that their concerns are appropriately addressed.

All Staff (teachers, support staff and volunteers) share responsibility for ensuring that the policy and procedures are followed, and consistently and fairly applied. Mutual support amongst all staff is essential for creating a high quality and safe learning environment, promoting good behaviour and implementing the agreed policy and procedures consistently.

Parents and Carers will be encouraged to work in partnership with the school in order that high standards of behaviour are maintained both in and out of school and that pupils respect both similarities and differences between themselves and other members of the school and the wider community. Parents will be given advice and support to prevent bullying.

Pupils will be taught through the creative curriculum, in particular through PSHE about positive and negative behaviours including bullying at a level that is appropriate to their cognition level.

Pupil Voice: 

It’s imperative that we are able to harness and recognise pupil voice in any instances of bullying. At Co-op Academy Brierley pupils are consulted on a regular basis to find out what is happening and what issues are worrying them through appropriate avenues of communication in relation to their need and understanding. Our PSHCE curriculum and Social, emotional and mental health curriculum offers pupils the opportunity to identify and support any issues of potential bullying.

What is Bullying?

“Bullying is behaviour by an individual or group, repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally. Bullying can take many forms (for instance, cyber-bullying via text messages or the internet), and is often motivated by prejudice against particular groups, for example on grounds of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or because a child is adopted or has caring responsibilities. It might be motivated by actual differences between children, or perceived differences. Stopping violence and ensuring immediate physical safety is obviously a school’s first priority but emotional bullying can be more damaging than physical; teachers and schools have to make their own judgements about each specific case.” Bullying also includes child on child abuse.


The rapid development of, and widespread access to, technology has provided a new medium for ‘virtual’ bullying, which can occur in or outside school. Cyber- bullying is a different form of bullying and can happen at all times of the day, with a potentially bigger audience, and more accessories as people forward on content at a click. The wider search powers included in the Education Act 2011 give teachers stronger powers to tackle cyber-bullying by providing a specific power to search for and, if necessary, delete inappropriate images (or files) on electronic devices, including mobile phones. Separate advice on teachers’ powers to search (including statutory guidance on dealing with electronic devices) is available – see below for a link to this document.

A research review for the NSPCC produced a useful definition of the five essential components of bullying:

  • There is an intention to harm e.g. a person teasing another with the intention of deliberately upsetting them.
  • There is a harmful outcome: a person or persons are hurt emotionally or physically.
  • The act can be direct or indirect e.g. it could involve direct aggression such as kicking someone or it could be an indirect act such as spreading rumours via Facebook.
  • There is usually repetition from the perpetrator. However, for vulnerable pupils in the school community, who may experience bullying, the repetition may be the repeat of the act by several individuals or groups of people.
  • There is unequal power. A person or several persons who are (perceived as) more powerful due to, for example, their age or physical strength or size will abuse their power by bullying.

Bullying behaviour can be direct or indirect, simple or complex

Direct bullying includes physical threats, verbal insults or taunts and directly contacting a person with obscene or insulting messages by using, for example, a mobile phone.

Indirect bullying includes persistently ignoring a pupil so that they feel socially isolated, spreading malicious rumours, or insults, often via social network sites on the internet, or writing offensive graffiti.

Cyber bullying/Online bullying uses technology to harm a person, group of people or a relationship and can happen both inside and outside of school and at any time of the day or night.

An update from KCSIE 2022 outlined the following:

Online safety

Additions to the guidance state that governing bodies and proprietors should regularly review the effectiveness of school filters and monitoring systems. They should ensure that the leadership team and relevant staff are:

  • aware of and understand the systems in place
  • manage them effectively
  • know how to escalate concerns when identified. Schools and colleges should use communications with parents and carers to reinforce the importance of children being safe online. Schools should share information with parents/carers about:
  • what systems they have in place to filter and monitor online use
  • what they are asking children to do online, including the sites they will asked to access
  • who from the school or college (if anyone) their child is going to be interacting with online.

Responding to reports/issues relating to child on child Sexual Harassment or Sexual Violence

(Reference KCSIE September 2022 Part 5 - The DfE’s advice on Sexual violence and sexual harassment between children in schools and colleges (DfE, 2021) has been merged into Keeping children safe in education 2022. As part of this merger, the term “child-on-child abuse” rather than “peer-on-peer abuse” is used throughout the updated guidance.

Guidance in part 5 of KCSIE expands to incorporate guidance previously covered in the DfE’s Sexual violence and sexual harassment between children in schools and colleges advice. It also provides new information, emphasising:

  • the importance of explaining to children that the law is in place to protect rather than criminalise them
  • the importance of understanding intra-familial harms, and any necessary support for siblings following incidents
  • the need for schools and colleges to be part of discussions with statutory safeguarding partners

Immediate response to a report: (KCSIE 2022)

‘The school’s initial response to a report from a child is important. It is essential that all victims are reassured that they are being taken seriously and that they will be supported and kept safe. A victim should never be given the impression that they are creating a problem by reporting sexual violence or sexual harassment. Nor should a victim ever be made to feel ashamed for making a report.’

Staff awareness and training:

Following part one of KCSIE guidance (Sept 2022) all staff should be trained to manage a report. Following guidance laid out in ‘Actions where there are concerns about a child’ (Page 22) effective safeguarding practice.

In relation to Sexual harrassment and violence, Part one of this guidance, all staff should be trained to manage a report. Local policies (and training) will dictate exactly how reports should be managed (Part 5 407 P-111)

LGBTQ+ pupils Guidance (updated in KCSIE 2022) now emphasises the importance of providing LGBTQ+ children with a safe space for them to speak out or share their concerns with members of staff.

Risk assessment:

When there has been a report of sexual violence, the designated safeguarding lead (or a deputy) should make an immediate risk and needs assessment. Where there has been a report of sexual harassment, the need for a risk assessment should be considered on a case-by-case basis.

The risk and needs assessment should consider:

  • the victim, especially their protection and support;
  • the alleged perpetrator; and
  • all the other children (and, if appropriate, adult students and staff) at the school or college, especially any actions that are appropriate to protect them.

Discerning language

Bullying differs from ‘friendship fall out’, or other aggressive behaviour, or isolated incident of aggression.

How does bullying differ from teasing or friendship difficulties? Sometimes pupils can feel hurt or upset because they have been teased or have fallen out with a friend. This is not the same as bullying.


  • Is deliberately intended to hurt or humiliate.
  • Involves a power imbalance that makes it hard for the victim to defend themselves.
  • Is usually persistent.
  • Often involves no remorse or acknowledgement of the victim’s feelings.

Preventing Bullying

We aim to prevent bullying by:

  • Fostering a whole school ethos of good behaviour, mutual respect, and consideration for one another.
  • We aim to create a safe, happy, and inclusive environment for learning, and encourage pupils to value diversity and difference, protect the vulnerable, and appreciate how their actions might affect others.
  • Our staff and pupils setting a good example of how to behave towards each other.
  • Raising awareness about bullying through opportunities in the curriculum, particularly through PHSCE.
  • Developing pupils’ social skills, confidence, resilience and self-esteem; and defining the value of assertiveness in relationships as opposed to aggression, whether direct or indirect.
  • Making it clear to all that there are effective procedures for reporting, investigating and tackling bullying.
  • Making it clear to all that incidents of cyberbullying or bullying of any kind that occur off the school premises but have an impact on the classroom environment or relationships between pupils will be pursued with the same seriousness as bullying occurring within school.
  • Making it as easy as possible for pupils who are being bullied to talk to someone they trust and get help confidentially.
  • All our staff are trained in recognising and responding to bullying.
  • Taking pupils’ views into account through the school council, and developing the roles that pupils can play in anti-bullying work.
  • The school also makes more detailed information on e-safety and how it can lead to cyberbullying available to parents through information sessions.

Being aware - possible signs of Bullying

Changes in behaviour that may indicate a pupil is being bullied include:

  • Frequent absence, erratic attendance, late arrival to school.
  • Belongings suddenly going missing or being damaged.
  • Diminished levels of self-confidence.
  • Inability to concentrate.
  • Anxiety, depression, becoming withdrawn or unusually quiet.
  • Repressed body language and poor eye contact.
  • Reluctance to leave the classroom at the end of the school day.
  • Choosing the company of adults.
  • Frequent complaints of symptoms such as stomach pains or headaches, especially at specific times such as lunchtime.
  • Unexplained cuts and bruises.
  • Talking of suicide or running away.
  • Self-harm

Although there may be other causes for these symptoms’ teachers, parents and fellow pupils should be alert for these possible signs of bullying and contact a member of the behaviour or safeguarding team if they are concerned.

How we manage bullying

We encourage pupils if they are being bullied to:

Stay calm and try to appear confident. Tell the bully to stop and get away from the situation as quickly as they can.

All bullying issues, whatever the nature, will be treated with equal importance and the response will be based upon the guidelines in the policy.

Reporting Bullying

Reporting all forms of bullying related incidents, can now be logged online at Leeds Schools Online, as detailed below

If a bullying incident of any nature has occurred, all schools are asked to complete the online Sentinel Report.

Pupils are encouraged to speak openly and honestly at all times within school and to disclose all forms of bullying, whether carried out by another pupil or by an adult. The hope is that by disclosing the problem in the first instance, this will become the first step in empowering the victim to overcome the bullying.

Whenever a pupil experiences bullying, it should be disclosed, whether by the victim, friends of the victim, bystanders or via parents, who would contact the school. Information can be reported to any member of staff. All staff should first immediately secure the safety of the child before following the school’s procedures.

At Brierley we pride ourselves on developing positive relationships with pupils and encourage them to talk to a member of staff if they are being bullied. Children are aware they can talk to any staff member, family member or friend they feel comfortable with and trust about bullying. Pupils are taught telling will not make things more difficult; not telling means that the bullying is likely to continue. Pupils are made aware they need to tell everyone to keep safe not just themselves as it may happen to others also. Be assured that we take every report of bullying seriously and will act upon it, even if it occurred outside the school.

Bullying is recorded in detail on CPOMS and analysed. The Behaviour Support Team and Safeguarding Team work closely together to support pupils and combat any cases of bullying.

Pupils Who Witness Bullying

All pupils are encouraged to be respectful and kind to their peers at a level appropriate to their cognition level. Pupils are always encouraged to disclose any concerns about bullying to a person they can trust so that they can help their peer. At Brierley we ensure our pupils are aware that ‘kind hands’ and ‘kind words’ are of prime importance and we must not join in when someone is bullying a peer.

What the School will do

The exact course of action will vary with each situation but the main objectives should be that bullying incidents are brought into the open and strategies agreed to help resolve the problem.

All reports of bullying will be taken seriously and investigated immediately. Everything that happens will be carefully recorded. The most important thing is to stop the bullying and ensure the victim is safe. We aim for a peaceful resolution. Revenge is not helpful for the victim or appropriate.

The victim will be supported throughout the process.

Guidance and help will be available for the perpetrator to help change his/her behaviour.

Staff will monitor the situation to ensure that the bullying does not continue. If bullying recurs, further action will be taken.

In any serious case of bullying the Headteacher will be informed and the school will work with the parents of both the victim and the perpetrator. The school will remain in regular contact with the parents until the situation is resolved. A bullying incident will be regarded as a child protection concern when there is ‘reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering, or is likely to suffer, significant harm (Children Act 1989). Where this is the case, after the Headteacher has been involved, it may be necessary to make a report to the Children’s’ Social Care Social and in certain cases the police or to other agencies. The school will keep a log of all bullying incidents which is monitored in order to identify trends and inform preventative work in the school and future development of policies and procedures.

The restorative approach

This approach encourages the reporting of incidents by reducing the pupil being bullied anxieties about repercussions and educates the pupil who is bullying, by increasing their understanding of the difficulties caused by bullying, and encouraging bullies to take responsibility for their actions. This will be implemented through the PSD curriculum in school and where appropriate in 1- 1 and small group sessions at a level appropriate for the pupils.

If those involved in bullying do not respond to the Restorative Approach

If those involved do not respond to the restorative approach and bullying continues, sanctions in line with the school’s behaviour policy will be implemented.

Based upon legislation in the Children Act (1989), in serious cases, it may also be appropriate to consider the bullying as a child protection concern if ‘there is reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering, or is likely to suffer, significant harm’. Where this is the case, the school must report their concerns to the Local Authority’s safeguarding services and may draw on external professionals to support the victim or to tackle issues which have contributed to a child becoming a perpetrator of bullying.

As a last resort, the school may report a bullying issue to the police; particularly if staff feel that the nature of the bullying contravenes the law and other measures have been unsuccessful in preventing its recurrence.

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